KJC practices customer satisfaction with trust !
- Achived 5,000 trainee for JRC ECDIS TST training achievements
- Registered & Authorized as a BV class service provider in SR, VDR-APT service
- Certified as a Venture company from KIBO(Korea Technology Finance Corporation)
- Strategic alliance with Spectec for AMOUS business
- Provide & Installation for GMDSS equipment in HMM training center
- Awarded the best service partner of Pan Ocean Service Co,. Ltd (for 3consecutive years)
- Provide & Installation for EDIS TST kit in Hanjin shipping's training center
- Provide & Installation for EDIS TST kit in HMM training Center
- Eastablished KJ training room including ECDIS TST
- Achived 1,000 trainee for JRC ECDIS TST training achievements
- Provide & Installation for EDIS TST system in POS-SM
- Registered as a supply comapany in Korean harbour ports
- Registered & Authorized as a DNV-GL class service provider in SR, VDR-APT service
- Registered & Authorized as a LR class service provider in SR, VDR-APT service
- Registered & Authorized as a ABS class service provider in SR, VDR-APT service
- Renewed ISO Quality Management System to ISO 9001:2015 version
- Signed Maintenance Agreement for the fleet of Namsung shipping Co., Ltd
- Signed on Indusrry-University Collaboration with KMU-Korea Maritime University
- Signed Mantenance Agreemnt for the fleet of G-Marine Service Co., Ltd
- Acquired sale partner agent for ENTEL
- MOTOROLA - Authorized Sales partner agent
- MOTORALA - Awarded "GOLD agent"
- Established R&D Center
- Acquired certificate for R&D center from KOITA(Korea Industrial Technology Association)
- Register in KOSA(Korea Software Industry Association)
- Acquired & Certified ISO 9001(KR) Quality Management System
- Registered & Authorized as a NK class service provider in SR, VDR-APT service
- Start Software Business and Acquired the business license
- Founded KJ Radio Co., Ltd as JRC sales & Service Agent by renaming company from MARITEC
- Entered in Korea Information and Communication Contractors Association
- Registered in Korean Custom Office
- Registered & Authorized as a KR class service provider in SR, VDR-APT service
- MARITEC founded, Start sales businee for JRC
- JRC(Japan Radio Co., Ltd) founded